Monday, June 22, 2009

New Discovery for Affiliate Marketing

Watch the video below on how to use to get free traffic and earn extra money online. At the end, you'll also learn a marketing lesson - a lesson why many people don't make money online.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Hi friends, this is a really powerful post about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), I highly recommend if you can, try to read through this post more than twice as I am about to expose you a really deep secret about SEO.

First of all what is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Simply put it, SEO is all about ensuring your website is friendly to search engines(Yahoo,Google,MSN,etc) so that people are able to find it online.Why do people pay so much attention to get their pages SEO ready? Well if you do it right, you get ranked high for powerful keywords and you will get lots of free targeted traffic to your page.

So let's say you have started a blog and sure you want to drive lots of traffic to it. Increased visibility can help to expose your blog in online world, making it more profitable to you.Not sure where to begin? Well, here are a few great SEO tricks that will help you to attract visitors to your blog.

SEO Trick 1 -- Incorporate Keywords in Titles

First of all, if you want to increase the traffic to your blog, make sure that you incorporate keywords in the titles of all your blogs. Remember, people may search by keywords, and using keywords in blog titles can help make it easier for people to find your blog.

SEO Trick 2 -- Allow People to Subscribe

Allowing people to subsribe to your blog is a great idea as well.This is called syndicating your blog. Make sure you do your best to make signing up very easy for the visitors to your blog so they'll come back again and again.

SEO Trick 3 -- Use Keywords in Blog Categories

When you set up your blog categories, you'll help to increase your blog traffic if you use keywords in those blog categories. When you create categories that have good keywords,it will make a url for each post that is SEO friendly.

SEO Trick 4 -- Comment on the Blogs of Others

Another way to bring more traffic in to your blog is to comment on the blogs of others. However, these posts should make senses and add value. Make sure that you use your real name or the name of your blog and avoid using keywords in the name field.

SEO Trick 5 -- Use the Right Keywords

The right keywords on your blog can make it hot and help to get even more traffic to the site. Take some time to do some keywords research(will be shared in coming post) so you incorporate the best keywords. This will make it easier for people to find you via search engines, since you'll be using highly visible keywords.

SEO Trick 6 -- Make Use of Blog Directories

There are many blog directories out there today,such as GoGuides, DMOZ and JoeAnt, to name a few. Make sure that you make use of these directories. Usually they have special categories for blogs that will allow you to have your blog listed in a specific related category. This can help you bring more traffic to your site.

SEO Trick 7 -- Track Backs Can Help

If you happen to talk about a quote from another blog and the blog is relevant to the subject you are talking about, you may want to use a track back. This helps to build the popularity of your links and you may get some readers from that site to come to visit yours. Basically a track back will show a list of blogs that refer to a certain blog post.

SEO Trick 8 -- Offer RSS Feeds that Deliver to Emails

Last of all, consider using RSS feeds that deliver your blog posts to emails. Many people prefer reading blogs by email instead of actually having to visit the blog each day. So, this is a great way to increase traffic and make sure that you keep your readers as well.

Hope you get some useful ideas and clues from this post.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

How to Attract Visitors to Your Blog or Website?

Hi friends,how are you going with those personal development stuff?I hope you enjoy the videos and ebooks that I recommended in the previous post. Though it is not really related to Internet Business but it teaches more valuable and important skills for us to achieve whatever we want to,for example to succeed in Internet Business. ;)

In today post, I am going to share how to attract visitors to your blog or website, or in other words:

How to Generate Traffic to My Blog or Website?

1. Article Marketing - submit articles to various online article directories.

Here are some article directory sites you can submit your articles for free:

Here is the homepage of :
Before your submit your articles to the article directories, be sure to read each directory’s Terms of Service and make sure you comply with them. Read through some articles submitted to know how they are done.

Also, be aware that almost all article directories do not allow affiliate links on the body of the article. And some article directories do not all affiliate links in the resource box.

Keep your articles to between 400 to 500 words for better readibility. If you have a long article series, break your article into smaller articles and name them Part 1, Part2 etc.

Create a “resource box” and be sure you add your website URL in the “resource box”. Make your article persuasive enough to get readers click on the URL. Other website publishers who reprint your articles on their website are required to include your resource box information

2. Video Marketing - submit video to multiple video sharing sites

Now there are hundreds of sites that allow you to host videos,however,you only need to submit to about 10-20 of them to get good results.If you submit to Youtube you might get a hundred views per day.But in order to get more traffic,you could either submit more videos or you could submit that same video to other video sharing sites.You have a choice of submitting to them one-by-one or using sites with software that will submit to multiple sites for you.

Youtube, as you know, is the biggest video site and gets the most traffic. So if you post to the site, you're likely to get into the search engine quickly. As a matter of fact,I use Youtube all the time (and a lot of times I get indexed into Google within a few days(just because Google values videos).

A lot of search engines value videos because they provide high quality content.Of course if you follow those guidelines,then you'd want to provide high quality content. Search engines cannot view your video so you will need to work on your video SEO(Search Engine Optimization) which I'll share about that in future post.

So with that said, increased exposure means increased traffic. The more sites you submit to,the larger amount of people will see your video and hopefully link to your blog or become future buyers themselves.

Example : (shown in previous post )
Click here to get better view

Marketing, like sales -- is a game of numbers.The more people you get the message out to, the better your chances of increasing traffic. So,

more traffic = more prospects = more conversions = more sales and of course = more profits

Of course let's not forget that your video and landing page(page that promote products) go hand in hand.If they are all not good, then you may get tons of traffic but very little sales or no sales at all.

While Youtube is the biggest hosting site with over 64 million videos a day and receiving 100 million views a day,here is a list of video sharing and video hosting sites:

Google video
Daily Motion
Yahoo video

TubeMogul has the service for you to post video to multiple sites at one time. You can submit to over 12 video sharing sites for free.

3. Submit blog to Blog Directories

When people search for blogs, a lot of times they look at Blog Directories. So not only are you getting traffic but you are getting one-way back-links.

Just by submitting your blog to about 4-6 different blog directories, it really helped you get indexed quickly into the search engines. Not only that, you actually get some good traffic as well.

Now if you don't know of any blog directories, I would recommend just by going to Google and typing in "Blog directories" or something like "Submit to blog directories". One that I would recommend is Google's Blog Search.

Go to:
As you can see there, you can submit your blog if your blog is not listed in their results. Another good site is If you scroll down at the right hand side, it says "Submit Blog". You can submit your blog there as well.

Another blog directory site:

If you just go to Google like I said earlier, you type in "Submit to blog directories", you'll find a lot of places that have the top 20 or 10 blog directories to submit to.Now,submitting to each and every directory is going to be very time consuming. I would recommend just submitting to the main ones. Just because it does not always mean by submitting to hundreds of blog directories will get you a lot of traffic back. A lot of times, you can submit to 5 or 10 blog directories but do it to the main and bigger ones and it will be just as good as submitting to a hundred of them.

Each time you make a post, use a service like to submit your blog to various blog directories and update different search engines that your blog has updated. Use it only once per post.

OMG! I think there are too much things I want to share in just one single post! Let's continue again next time :)

Have a good day!

Eager to start online business now? Click here to find out more!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An "Ordinary" Person Becomes "Extraordinary"

Patric Chan is one of those “ordinary person” turns extraordinary despite his “interesting” backgrounds. Living in a small island in Malaysia, never been to a college or University in his life before, have totally no network of association and starting from $zero money, Patric is now the founder of the “You Chan Do It!” Success Outcome System, an international speaker,internet marketer and author.

To help people around the world to achieve success, he specializes in breaking down complex success techniques and strategies into simple-to-understand concepts that can be applied instantly to their life. That is why, his concepts are based on the “Chan” do method — Turning the “can’t” into “chan”.

He’s a strong believer of achieving success and creating wealth by learning from other successful people around the world — Investing in your own self for total success.

He had spoken in many countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, India, China, Hong Kong, United Emirates Arab, London, Thailand, etc. Patric is also one of the co-authors of an ebook featuring other successful people such as Brian Tracy, Robert T. Kiyosaki, T Harv Eker, Zig Zizlar, Tom Hopkins, Suze Orman, etc.

His You Chan Do It! Personal Achievement Newsletter is subscribed by thousands of people around the world, and it is where Patric shares valuable self-improvement tips and information that will take the subscriber to the next level of personal improvement.

Patric’s latest project is the Success Trace Private Membership.

Click Here To Access Another Free Video And 3 Bonus eBooks

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cracking the Code of Success

Hi friends,

You should know that everyone who achieves success has to do with how their mind is wired, how they think, how they make decisions - whether it's Walt Disney, Bill Gates, Robert Kiyosaki, Michael Jordan, Colonel Sanders or any other successful person whom you admire.

Seriously, Bill Gates could be a very smart entrepreneur or some say he was 'lucky' - but how did he become very smart or 'lucky' in the first place? It's how he thinks and decides on what to do. I mean, if luck happens to fall upon him but he doesn't have the consciousness to realize that or 'see' what is the first next step to take, LUCK IS USELESS.

Here in this post I am going to share with you a video about how a person manage to succeed to boost your motivation. Spend a couple of minutes enjoy it and I guarantee you find it worthwhile!

Click Here To Access Another Free Video And 3 Bonus eBooks

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How to Utilize Your Blog to Earn Money ?

Hi friends, if you enjoy blogging and like to share your thoughts online, here is a good news for you : Blogging to EARN!

For those who don't blog--Don't worry, you can start blogging anytime if you want to generate extra source of income.

Basically if you want your blog able to make money online, you need to have a content-rich and frequently-updated blog. In other words, you need to be an active blogger!Here I share 3 very simple tips about earning money from blogging:
1. Monetize your blog using Google AdSense
If you blog using like what I am doing with my blog you are reading now, you can post Adsense advertisements there. This is what all ordinary people do. They are not internet marketers but they know that they can get paid per click so they just put ads there.

2. Monetize your blog by Selling Backlinks

Now, what is Backlinks ?
Backlink is the links other people put on your blog to have it directed to their websites. As long as their links are on your site, you can charge them $10.00 or $15.00 a month , provided your blog has high page rank.

Here‟s another exciting part. You don't even have to waste your time to search for buyers. You can go to these sites:
As you can see, people can buy ads or publish ads.

You can have your inventory in this site. If you have a BlogSpot URL or any other domain name, you can list it in their inventory. Once you are listed there, you no longer need to search for clients because clients will know how to come here to buy text links from you. You can check all the other sites that give you this service.

But remember, you need to have good page rank for your blog to attract those advertisers.

What is page rank ?

Google's rank of a site for relevance depends on the page rank. To check for page rank, just install a Google toolbar and enable page rank. has a page rank of 7/10.

You can start seeking advertisers when you get a page rank of 3/10 and it's very easy to get that. The higher your page rank, the higher the price you can charge. Google ranks you based on your page rank. There is 0-10. will have 10/10. Sites like or will have 9/10. You will never get to 8 or above. That is out of the question. If you can get a 7 you are extremely good. You will probably be able to reach 5 if you follow the internet marketing strategies properly. 5 will be considered very good in your case. You can do this with BlogSpot or with your own domain name.

3. Promote beneficial Affiliate Programme or Affiliate Product

One of the online merchant where you can get affiliate products is clickbank, which I have shared in the previous post. Before promoting your product try to make a research whether it is relevant and beneficial to your readers ?Try to create a win-win situation where your readers can make profits from your blog.

For example in my blog :

I have introduced the affiliate programmes "Success Trace Private Membership" and the affiliate product "X-Easyprofits System"which are free and informative to the readers. If you promote stuffs that are readers-centred, your blog will definitely be profitable.

Is it too much for you to digest? If so let me continue again in next post, you can start blogging right now if you find it worthwhile.

See You!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Learning from Successful Internet Marketer

Many newbies try to start internet business by selling their own products when they don't have any internet business ideas or skills at all - they're clueless but just aftering the gold rush. For instance, they thought setting up a blog and start posting on it will get buyers to their products.

The problem is this - to sell product online, you need to know a lot of things and have the resources to do so. Some of them include:

1. A professionally design website with graphics or a constantly-updated blog.

2. A 'salesletter' to convince your website visitors to order your product

3. A really good quality product to sell

4. Your own hosting and domain name

5. A merchant account to collect credit card payment online

6. Online business automation system to manage your orders

7. Software to manage your customers, subscribers, etc

8. Customer support team

9. Marketing system for your internet business

10. More products to generate more revenue for your business

11. Email follow up system

12. And others I cannot think of right now

Then you need traffic.

Hm.. sounds out of your distance ? Fret not! We know nothing when we born as a baby! If you are willing to learn , you are going to earn !

In this post I introduce you a successful internet marketer, Patric Chan who gives out FREE stuff about the secrets of SUCCESSFUL INTERNET MARKETING.

So, start learning today!! Click the banner below to find out how!

Sign up X-EASYPROFITS SYSTEM to start earning money online !!!

Paydotcom Sign Up Tutorial

Hi , This is the video tutorial about signing up a paydotcom account which is needed for you to sign up x-easyprofits sytem . Enjoy!

Friday, May 22, 2009

PayPal Sign Up Tutorial

Hi, welcome back :). Attached is the video tutorial about signing up a PayPal account .

Anyway, some of you may question :
What are clickbank, PayPal and Paydotcom and why I need to sign up for those accounts?

The answer is : They are the trusted and secured online merchants that will pay out commissions to their affiliates. When a customer buys a product that is promoted in x-easyprofits system, he will pay through either one of those 3 accounts and your commission is paid through either one of the accounts also.

The following post will be about how to sign up a paydotcom account .

Remember to leave comments or enquiries about x-easyprofits system here.

Enjoy the video ! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Clickbank Sign Up Tutorial

Hi, friends,having problem with clickbank info required in x-easyprofits system?
The video below shows you what is clickbank and how to sign up for it.

The coming tutorial is about paypal and paydotcom , so WELCOME BACK !!

You can full screen it to get a better view.

For more details about x-easyprofits system, please visit :

Feel free to leave the message if you have any enquires.

Register in Internet Marketing forum to learn earning money online :

Monday, May 18, 2009

Affiliate Marketing

Hi, friends, how are you going with x-easyprofits system? Remember to check you mail frequently as this system will follow you up and guide you to earn money online.

Today I am going to share with you one of many ways to earn money online --

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing refers to you being an affiliate (or marketer) of someone else’s product and you earn a commission when you promote and have successfully sold the product. You are acting very much like a middle man(or sales executive), except that the sales is done online.

Why Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is the easiest internet marketing method available, especially if you are new to internet marketing. Affiliate Marketing allows to generate a comfortable income online by simply promoting other people’s product.

You do not need your own product to make money online! But you do need to know how to locate profitable products to promote and target an eager crowd who is willing and able to buy the products you are promoting.

How Affiliate Marketing?

Here I introduce a few reliable and popular affilate agents/ networks that you can sign up and start with:
To Begin, you need to sign up for an affliate link(which I have touched in my first post) from the respective website. In next post I will share how to sign up for affiliate links and other details about Internet Marketing.

And for those who have not signed up for the x-easyprofits system, please do so by clicking here. It is simply a very powerful tool for you to earn money online!

Have a good day!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How to Earn Money Online?

Hi Friends , are you frustrated with the unemployment , higher living costs or recent economic downturn? Now I am sharing with you how to earn money online easily.

And It is a very
simple way even for any newbie ! Just bear with me a couple of minutes going through this post !

In this post i just share with you 3 very basic simple ways, the rest will be in coming posts. So stay tuned
! You can easily earn few hundred or even more a month, it's good enough to pay off all the bills, isn't it?

1. Design a website or
blog to attract any readers. Post the affliate links you get from any Internet Marketing website onto your blog. If the readers click on those links, you got the chance to earn !

2. Write
articles to submit to online article directories. Include your affliate link in your article that can attract readers. Again, if they click on the links , you may earn !

3. Subscribe to online
profit-earning system . Here i introduce a very powerful system for anyone who want more money! I have tried it out myself and it really amazing!

It doesn't require any single cent,just make it a try, WHY NOT? If it is a fraud you won't miss any cent anyway,right?

But The truth is :
It ISN'T..

So let's go :

Reminder : More tips for you to earn money online in coming posts ! :)